23. November 2023 Call for projects
Usinesonore Festival is launching a call for projects from up-and-coming artists who would like to take part in the "Music as social practice" programme.
The aim is to enable emerging artists to be accompanied by an expert in the creation of an installation and/or performance work (8-10 minutes) in La Neuveville for the 2024 edition of the Festival Usinesonore. The work should surprise and touch the public, who will see it as an artistic action geared towards generosity and inclusion. Sound will be at the heart of the creations, but interdisciplinarity is welcome.
The aim of this process, which will take several months, is to support the artists and encourage them in their artistic reflection while giving them an opportunity to exchange ideas with the international Festival Usinesonore public during an international meeting day in June 2024.
Deadline for applications: 15 December 2023